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Pinteresting: Vitamin Water

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I don’t know if this really infuses your water with vitamins but…. Since I don’t drink juice, coffee, wine, beer or whatever I thought that this might add some pizazz to my plain everyday glass of water 🙂

Here’s the pin that made me want to try it:

Source: via Sandra on Pinterest

Vitamin water... try

You can find the recipe here on the mygreendiet blog.

I did the recipe accordingly but add some zucchinis for the fun of it (and omitted the basil)!
vitamin water try...

My feedback? (I couldn’t wait until tomorrow morning to have a sip so I tasted it after a couple of hours in the fridge… )

WOnderful! the cucumber tastes great with the lemon and mint! I don’t think the zucchinis added something more. I can see myself having pitchers of that all summer long! I think it will make me want to drink more of the H2O… And I think it’s healthier than the flavored water you find on the market. And quick to make!

Le p’tit résumé habituel…

Un autre essai d’une recette trouvée sur Pinterest! C’est supposé être une eau vitaminée (pas sûre pour les vitamines) et j’avais le goût de boire autre chose que juste de l’eau pure… C’est très bon et on goûte vraiment le concombre (les zuchinis n’ont pas donné plus de goût qu’il le faut, c’était mon ajout et je vais omettre la prochaine fois) Je pense que je vais m’en faire plusieurs pichets cet été!

About Cul de Sac

Hi there! Love crafting and sewing, taking pictures and show it all :)

3 responses »

  1. Mary

    Thanks Josee! I am so glad you liked it. xo Mary

  2. That’s a great idea. I only drink water and tea too, so I’m def gonna try that tomorrow


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