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New product!

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Source: via Josée on Pinterest


I love knitting. That is when my wrists let me knit a bit 😉 And at night, I’m way too tired to do something productive, even knitting  my shawl (no. I’m not done yet, but almost!) is too much often sometimes. Let say I was kind of tired of fingerless mitts….


So I thought of a way to be 1: productive and 2: be knitting! Enter this:

eco knitted coffee sleeves

I know, I didn’t invented the wheel here, but it’s cute, functional, quick and fun to make!

eco knitted coffee sleeves

Some of those coffee sleeves are adorned with recycled fabric covered buttons, some with a fake tea pouch.

They all made using reclaimed yarns of course 🙂

eco knitted coffee sleeves

Have you seen my neat and great cardboard display for them!!?? I’m sooo happy with my drawing!  Just a look and you know what this product is use for. It will be a good thing for my fabric coffee sleeves since people at craft fairs were putting them on their wrist like a bracelet lol! Still need to make more, but i need to buy white cardboard first. I won’t be giving them away so when I’ll have enough made I will just use them over and over 😉 I think it looks really professional!

eco fabric coffee sleeve

J’aime beaucoup le tricot… mais je suis bien trop fatiguée le soir pour tricoter mon châle en dentelle et de perles. Et puis, j’ai souvent trop mal aux poignets pour pouvoir m’y mettre vraiment. Je me suis donc trouvée un projet intéressant, vite fait et utile! Les manchons à café tricotés! Tous faits de laines recyclées (la plupart du temps de vieux chandails ou vestes) certains ont un bouton recyclé recouvert de tissu tandis que d’autre un semblant de poche de thé 😉 Je me suis même dessinée de beaux portes manchons en carton! J’en suis tellement contente! Maintenant on peut voir du premier coup d’oeil l’utilité de la chose… et les gens arrêteront de porter mes manchons en tissu autours de leur poignet lorsque je serai en exposition haha! Et mes cartons donnent un look professionnel à mon kiosque, enfin je pense…!

About Cul de Sac

Hi there! Love crafting and sewing, taking pictures and show it all :)

27 responses »

  1. They are adorable! I love the ones with the little tea bags and your drawing is perfect. Why not just photo copy them onto card stock though to save yourself some trouble? that way you could keep them packaged on the card if people were buying them for gifts etc…

  2. These are so great! Love this 🙂

  3. LOVE these! And the packaging is awesome!

  4. Oh! I love them! they look so pretty! 🙂 the packaging is pretty too!

  5. Just amazing! Everything: product, the drawing, buttons even the way you display them.
    And yes you can print the drawing and maybe you can sell them together.
    It might be a great gift.

  6. Love the knitting and those are so cute (great colors and buttons!). I really love your drawing — man, are you talented! Those are such a great gift idea too.

  7. Awww, these are super adorable and would make great gifts. This is the kind of knitting project I could get behind because it’s short – I lose patience trying to do scarves, much less blankets haha. Great job!

  8. Very useful idea, charmingly executed!

    To print on card stock: Might be easier to go to your local copy shop!

    Step 1–Make your master – On sheet of paper draw as many cups as will fit on the paper
    Step 2–Make copies onto card stock
    Step 3–Cut out & use!
    Step 4–Important! Never ever cut up your Master!

    Card stock is easy for a copy shop to copy onto, and they usually have it (sometimes in colors) to hand.

    Over the years have bought reams of card stock myself & printed on it. But that’s part of my ‘business.’ Even then, depending on your printer, the thicker paper might not do too well.

    Hope this helps !!!

    • yes it does!!! but i think it will end up a bit costing since I can only fit one cup on a standard piece of paper… 😉 I use transfer paper for now and do it all by hand on card stock from the dollar store, I think I fit about 12 cups on it for 50 cents. but it’s taking quite sometimes lol!

  9. Sure – why not?
    What worries you?

  10. They look great, I think I’d be tempted to wear them as bracelets too! 😉

  11. So clever! And pretty too! 🙂


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