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Scientific creativeness??

How can one be creative in a scientific world??!

I mean… I’m starting school this afternoon…  (a mix of utter excitement  and deep profound anxiety…)

I’ve finally got the english name for what I’ll be studying for the next 3 years: Lab technician.

I’m starting my semester with a lab and they told us at our integration day that we needed 2 white smocks with our name written in sharpie on the front upper pocket. I mean?! sharpie!! man, that is looking kind of sloppy in my opinion (sorry if you have your name written with sharpie on your smock…) So000,  I’ve kind of went and did something really ordinary for me but maybe it will look a bit strange in that world….

scientific creativeness... or not!

Yep, I hand embroidered it… twice… with COLORS. Do you think I’ll be standing out too much in this crowd? (as if I cared lol!) I think I might have stretched the limits a bit there 🙂 just wait and see my hand notes….

scientific creativeness... or not!

Je commence l’école cet après-midi (nous avons donc ici un mélange de super excitation et de grande anxiété…) et je commence le tout avec un laboratoire (technique en analyses biomédicales) et on nous a expliqué lors de la journée d’intégration que nous avions besoin de 2 sarraus blancs avec notre nom écrit au Sharpie sur la poche supérieure… Comme vous devez commencer à me connaître, je n’étais sûrement pas pour écrire mon nom au Sharpie sur MES sarraus! J’ai donc utilisé mes fils de couleurs et ai brodé le tout 🙂 Pas mal plus beau! je me demande par contre si je ne passerai pas pour une excentrique dans le lot… (voir si je m’en soucie vraiment lol) 

About Cul de Sac

Hi there! Love crafting and sewing, taking pictures and show it all :)

12 responses »

  1. Love it! And the BEST of wishes for your schooling! I’m proud of you!!!

    • Thanks 😉 i have a tummy ache now… Lol

      • Pillows A-La-Mode

        You’ll do great! I didn’t go back to college until my kids were about the age of yours, and it IS hard . . . but so worth it. You’re an amazing role model for them, too. I’ll be your cheerleader anytime you need one! 🙂

      • I might use the cheerleading at some point 😉 i know it will be worth it even if it’s giving me butterflies in my tummy! I do know that I will LOVE the programm… I mean, come on, biology! But since i’ve already a “college” (it’s called cegep here) degree i just do the technic class, so i’m not full time for now…

  2. Your work is lovely, and very appropriate – so glad you decided to do it! You will be a wonderful example for your children, and so will your husband, because he supports your doing this.

    Congratulations to you both!!!

    • Thanks! I’m very happy to go back to school even though i,m stressed a bit abourt it 😉 and the kids were impressed tonight to learn that I had actual homeworks to do lol

  3. This is awesome! I’m so impressed you don’t mind standing out in a crowd – that’s something I need to work on!!


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